Get In Touch:
Please feel free to contact us directly by using the details below or complete the online form on this page.
Head Office: Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 79 811 7155
Email: info@bootymat.com

It's an exciting time for the BootyMat team, please get in touch for partnership, distribution and/or affiliate inquiries!
BootyMat is incredibly versatile and assists in a variety of simple, yet effective movements. Each movement targets a specific 'problem' area. You vary the intensity based on your fitness levels and your mood.
BootyMat's features have been refined over many years to ensure the stimulation and break-down of stubborn, cellulite prone zones; in particular the hips, thighs and buttocks. All of this while engaging and strengthening your core and abdominals
BootyMat can be used anywhere; in front of the television, at the gym, or while away on holidays or business trips. BootyMat will fit in with your lifestyle. Use it for two minutes or ten minutes, on its own or as part of an existing exercise routine... it is so easy and fun.